Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank you?? sister might be on a show. Great. I might be on it with her. Um, great??? Here are my thoughts on the subject.

1. Could be a lot of fun.....if
2. I could learn some cool new skills....if
3. Some big producer might see me and think "She is the next big thing. She will be a star!....if
4. I might get to hang out with a cute carpenter (don't worry, my heart belongs to Scott) and feel kinda cute myself...if

Want to know the if?? If....I could feel good enough about myself so I can relax and have fun. How do I feel good about myself? Unfortunately, I know that losing weight is the number one way for me to feel better about me.

Luckily, being on tv is very very motivating. I guess I should be thanking Amy for the motivation and the opportunity instead of secretly wishing that she had picked someone else so I could have pizza and dessert tonight.

Thank you Amy. I will be thinking of you as I eat my egg whites this morning.



  1. You guys will be great! I know what it's like not to feel great about yourself but you've got some time and the right perspective so you'll do wonderfully. I'm rooting for you both!

  2. All I could think while reading your post was, "What the If?!"

    And then I realized that it was you and not Amy, and since I don't know you as well, I probably shouldn't talk like that...

    I am excited for your family!!!!


