Monday, May 17, 2010


Ok, so this is the real deal. I may be on television. I may have a camera crew and people from TLC in my home for 4 days straight this summer. I'm thinking our chances are really good.

But I can't wait to hear from them before I really get to work getting some weight off.

I hate that thinking I may be on national television would be so motivating, but it is!!!

I don't hate myself. I like me. But they say that the camera adds 10 pounds. And guess what? I can afford to look any heavier then I do in real life.

So I am redoubling my efforts. I have 2-3 months depending on when they come. I'm trying to not let it freak me out or make me revert to crazy diets. But it does give me incentive to not be lazy and to try and be consistent.

Also, I think I am only going to post my weight loss once a month. The fluctuations that occur kind of even out over a months time and so then I won't be stressed out about Tuesdays. Sound ok?

Also your probably getting sick of hearing from just me. So I'm asking Karen and Maile to post something this week. Preferably something funny that happened to them involving food or exercise, or just something funny in general. I need a good laugh.

Buy I'll start today to get the ball rolling:

When I was in seventh grade, my friends and I were standing outside of homeroom waiting for school to start.

Someone came up with the brilliant idea to see who could do the splits. Well, I knew I could, so I was going to show off with the rest of them.

Only problem, usually I did the splits in shorts. I was wearing 80's tight jeans.

So yup, I went down into the splits, and my pants didn't survive. They split from seam to seam. Like the only thing holding them together was the waist and the cuffs kind of split.

Oh, and the boy I liked was watching. And I had to go sit on a bench with my friends sweatshirt over me and wait for my mom to bring me more pants. My friends and the boy I liked talked about that all the way into highschool.

"Hey remember that time you did the splits and your pants ripped, ha ha ha "

Yeah, I remember.

Anyone else experience such awesome stuff in their adolescence? Or yesterday even?

1 comment:

  1. 7th grade.
    standing in line to get my picture taken.
    I got to the mirror to check my look.
    Pulled out my comb to fix my hair.
    the Fun Girls behind me: I don't know WHY she's bothering.

    28 years later I can still hear the mocking in their voices.

    and every time I see that picture there is a little (and sometimes a larger) part of me that agrees.

    i hate that picture.

    and i don't ever want my beautiful children to experience that pain.

    but I know they will.


