Thursday, July 8, 2010

I have been avoiding writing anything for this blog.

I have been mired in self pity that mostly has nothing to do with weight loss or how I look.

Financially things have been excessively difficult this past 2 years.

It was eased tremendously with me babysitting my darling neighbor girl, whom I love.

But after A TON of prayer, I knew I had to stop babysitting and give my time to my own children.

Even after I told my friend that I wouldn't be babysitting after June, I still went back to Heavenly Father, repeatedly, to ask him if I was really doing the right thing.

It didn't make sense to me that I should stop babysitting when we needed the money.

But, I also know that the Lord knows better then I do what is best for me and my family.

I will say that Nora is entering a phase of lots of screaming and throwing fits that has been grating on my nerves. So if nothing else, she seems to need me more lately.

So, I havent' wanted to post and discuss my lack of weight loss.

But, I rejoined weight watchers, and I have lost 7.6 pounds.

So, that is exciting. It helps that TLC will be filming us in less then 6 weeks. It's super motivating. So I've been exercising my hind end off, and really trying to eat better.

So I think I'm back now. Ready to discuss how life throws things at us, lack of money, lack of willpower, and sometimes just being too tired to fight anymore.

For tomorrow, overcoming the desire to throw up. Seriously.


  1. You will always hold a special place in our heart! I appreciate you helping us out for Elle's first year and keeping Elle safe, secure, and loved! Love ya!!!

  2. Awww to the above comment:)

    To tired, that one ALWAYS creeps in there for me:(

    Throwing up?? seriously?? why, kids have flu?? or is it bulimic??


