Thursday, March 29, 2012


52 pounds. 52 weeks.

Today, thanks to Fast Friday, I made my mark.

A year ago this week I met Tiff in Paris. I had just weaned my last baby and was at my highest weight ever. That made it 8 pounds above my delivery weight, nearly a year after. I always weigh the same at each delivery and that exact same number at the time I wean my babies. My body likes that number apparently.

Nursing makes me fat. That's all there is to say. I am one of those that can't lose a pound while breastfeeding my kids. Truly unfair, if you ask me.

At any rate, a year ago I started on the path to de-size. This is nothing new, I've done it several times. The difference here is that this is my last baby. By now, a year after weaning a child, I have ALWAYS been pregnant again. I lose the weight and have another one. This is the longest I have not been pregnant or nursing in 12 years.

So the challenge was on. It's been slow and painful. It hasn't even been a week at a time. It's been hit and miss, up and down. But I have kept vigilant. I still have 45 pounds I would like to lose. But as of today, on my 52nd week - I've officially lost my 52nd pound.


