Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Weigh in

So I am sitting here in tears. Completely overwhelmed by the scale this morning.

And not in a good way.

I am up 3 pounds this week. Isn't that awesome?

I almost refused to post this. But I am keeping my promise of honesty. And I'm trying to be normal about it. Is there such a thing as normal weight loss/weight issues?

Now I'm trying to break it all down logically. Or rationalize it. So here goes.

Every month I have a visitor. Which, if you are female, you do too.

For me, this visitor brings with it about 5 pounds in water retention. This visitor doesn't care that I ate super good all week. The visitor doesn't care that I stayed away from sugar and simple carbohydrates. The visitor just comes and goes, leaving 5 pounds in her wake.

So that's my first problem. My visitor will be here any day now. The second problem is this stupid ankle. The ankle that is still swollen and in pain. The ankle that will allow no exercise at all. Does anyone know of any cardio that doesn't require feet? And don't say swimming, I don't swim.

So that is my hope. Because logically it doesn't make sense for me to have gained 3 pounds with the way I've been eating. Seriously, I'm not even exaggerating when I say that everything has been above reproach. So it has to be water. And I am hoping beyond hope that next week reflects the water content in my body going back to normal.

I was going to talk about my favorite way of eating today. But honestly, I am so disheartened right now that I no longer feel like it. I will save that for tomorrow. Is that ok?

Because even though I know that none of this makes sense, and that my body will right itself after my period is over, I still can't help but be depressed, you know?

But amazingly, I don't feel like downing a carton of ice cream or eating my weight in chocolate. So at least that is a good thing. And right now I need anything positive to get me through the week.

Signing off.


  1. I hate that monthly visitor!

    Don't get discouraged, as hard as it may be. Try not to focus on the scale but instead celebrate the changes and choices you made ALL WEEK LONG. You are doing things differently and it's going to lead to a healthier you and that's what important.

    In the meantime, do something non-food related to cheer yourself up. Get a pedi, see a movie, sit and read. You deserve to feel good about yourself every single day.

  2. I agree with PRP, you should celebrate that you ate good all week. That's an accomplishment to be proud of. Losing weight is a battle for some of us and you need to be happy about whatever you accomplishment. Look at it this way, if normally go up 5 lbs, but only went up 3 lbs, then you are 2 lbs ahead this week!

  3. I'm up this week, too. Must be the way the planet is aligned with Pluto's moons...

    Keep your chin up. Instead of facing the negative, find the positive.

    For me, tomorrow is starting with a clean slate.

    And you can get a good workout without cardio...there are some on-demand workouts that I think you can do sitting down. you could work abs & arms...

    Chin up!! :)

  4. What about the fact that muscle does indeed weigh more than plain ol fat?!?!?!


